


Written by Brian Clemens
Produced by John Sichel
Directed by Robert Tronson
(tx date May 12, 1973)
US: The Carnation Killer
fr: Le fou
Serial killer Arthur Page escapes before he can be locked away. Will the beautiful Julie Marsh be his next victim?
Music, design, lighting are absolutely splendid, and so is most of the writing. The scene in which Page discovers his photo in the newspaper is spot on!

Der verurteilte Frauenmörder Arthur Page kann auf dem Transport ins Gefängnis fliehen. Durch seine Vorliebe für rote Nelken macht er die Bekanntschaft von Julie Marsh, die in einer Anwaltskanzlei arbeitet und beauftragt wurde, eine obskure Erbschaftsangelegenheit zu regeln. Während die Polizei den Entflohenen fieberhaft sucht, machen sich Arthur und Julie auf den Weg zu dem einsam gelegenen Landsitz Westerling.
The Colour of Blood lebt vom Zusammenspiel Eshley-Schofield sowie einem exzellenten Plot (vgl. The Crazy Kill). Das Ende sucht seinesgleichen!
Rating: ****+
Norman Eshley (Arthur Page), Katharine Schofield (Julie Marsh), Derek Smith (Baverstock), Garrick Hagon (Peter), Geoffrey Chater (Graham), Malcolm Terris (Detective Superintendent), Tim Wylton (Forbes), A J. Brown (Judge), Roy Sone (Detective Sergeant), [Herbert Ramskill (Guard on Train),] Eric Mason (Sergeant O'Farrell), Michael Corcoran (Blind Flower Seller), [Gigi Gurpinar (Woman on Train)], Godfrey Jackman (Police Constable), [Barry Ashton, Michael Stainton (Policemen)].
Note: The OF has fewer credits!
Wardrobe Supervisor Keith Sproull Make-up Supervisor Shirley Muslin Film Cameraman (uncredited) Film Editor George Clark Senior Cameraman Roy Simper Sound Director Henry Bird Senior Vision Control (uncredited) VTR Editor (uncredited) Music Coordinator (uncredited) Music Laurie Johnson Lighting Director Dickie Stelp Designer Stanley Mills Floor Manager Brian Smith Assistant Floor Manager Brian True-May Stage Manager (uncredited) Assistant Production Manager Richard Jones Vision Mixer (uncredited) Administrator (uncredited) Production Secretary (uncredited) Production Assistant Ann Shephard Executive Producer Cecil Clarke.

*re-assembled from available on-screen credits
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